Early Reader Chapter Book: Target age: through age 9
Developing Characteristics: Positive belief and mindset combined with an unwavering faith create tremendous opportunity.
Summary: On a visit to Meme and Papa's house, a young child finds their Papa's lucky baseball. What they didn't know is that this was not only a lucky baseball, but a magical one as well. Follow along as they learn something valuable and encouraging to carry with them the rest of their life.
Children's Picture Book: Target age: 3-8
Developing Characteristics: Self-confidence, grit, and perseverance
Summary: I CAN AND I WILL! tells the story of a boy who learns the importance of a positive mindset while persevering through a difficult task. Through the discovery of his powerful phrase, “I Can and I Will,” he learns that he can do difficult things when he learns to believe in himself.
Children's Picture Book: Target age: 3-8
Developing Characteristics: Self-confidence, acceptance of children to express their fears and doubts, while understanding how a positive outlook can change any situation from bad to good. Learning to focus on the positive and the importance of perspective and looking at things in a positive way.
Summary: What If...? Tells the story of a young girl and her friend, who are about to begin school for the first time. Our main character is a very bright and optimistic person. Her friend, has many doubts and fears as the school year is fast approaching. See how one friend helps another through a difficult time by offering understanding, support, and a positive perspective.
Children's Picture Book: Target age: 3-8
Developing Characteristics:: An understanding of perspective, that demonstrates people can see the same exact thing differently. Proving that one may not be wrong for another to be right.
Summary: THAT’S MY PAINTING! is a story about a young girl and her classmates that paint letters and numbers that look very much the same. From each of their viewpoints, the painting they are holding looks like their own. The children learn an important lesson of learning to view things and situations from different perspectives to learn the truth.